Wednesday, February 29, 2012

He Was My Valentine

How does it feel living a life with someone you love so dearly? Is it like in the fairy tales living happily ever after? Could I be like those princesses, living a beautiful life with just the one right man for them? In every girl life, they wish you live one day as princess. Sometimes I too do have the same dream. For 3 years plus, I was a lone wolf, wondering around searching for the right partner in my life. Time after time, I look into guys with the potential requirement I needed, but sadly each and everyone gave me the friendly gesture. Saying I am a very good friend but the problem to all this is that majority was a lie. I was being used over and over again. Could I have the princess life I wanted? The life that I want to be pampering all over, being take care of and everything. Each and every year Valentine’s Day I sat back into the darkness of my heart, thinking “wow, they are so lovely dovey today.” But this year was different; everything I ever dream of came true. But the love I have was more than I expected. He was my Valentine, and now I am always by his side.

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