I remember the table used to be full of people. There is usually grandpa sitting in the middle of the table with his pipe smoke. Right beside him is grandma and her long batik dress. Scooping the soup for everyone in the table, and there uncle and aunty sit feeding their baby as we eat together. Than only is my family, but as the years passes by, soon the table no longer had grandpa in it. He passed away from lung affection, as the table now is getting smaller. Things happen between my father and uncle, and again the table that was once big became the small table for four people at home.
Brother than was living outside near is college, so the table and food portion was only made for three people.
And today I sat that table at home, knowing once occupy by four people, and now all that is left, is me sitting their munching on my meal. I guess I will be eating alone again tonight.
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