“Hey listen, there it goes again.” A young girl in her uniform whispers to her friend.
“Yea…I heard the seniors say that this room is haunted by a ghost girl who love to sing. Even the teachers never dare to come into this room to take the art stuff.” Her friend replied her, both of them shiver quickly turn around and back to class. Little they know in that room is not stayed by a ghost but a young girl with big dreams. Suzy is an orphanage, she lost her mother in a car accident and her father walked away from home without turning back. Every time students in school see her, they either hit her or bully her. She was always running around school trying to avoid everyone, that was when she found this room to hide herself. To her that room was magical, it gave her the power to sing, ever since she steps into school, the music of choir caught her attention, since then she was drawn towards music. She tried singing in her house but the house owner always scream for her to shut up. In that room she sang, no one knew who she was.
“Oh My God! Richard is coming here!!” the girls scream, a celebrity decided to study in this private school for a while, the girls scream chasing him every where. Teachers tried their best to block the girls while he ran for his life.
“There is an empty art room, but it is haunted. If you don mind you can hide there, no one ever dare to go there alone.” Richard took his leave to the art room. That part of the building was deserted; it was almost like no one ever dares to step into that floor. He took his steps slowly towards the art room; Suzy sang her usual songs without any thought that people would be coming. Richard was so drawn into her voice, suddenly he don’t feel scare anymore. [Such angelic voice, who would think this, is a ghost voice.] He steps in as quiet as possible but Suzy ears are as sharp as a fox. She stops singing quickly hiding herself into the shadows.
“Please don’t stop singing.” Richard plead, “I really love your voice, are you really a ghost?” Suzy never talked to anyone before, this is her first. She was scared and didn’t know what to do. [Who is he? Why is he here?] Questions kept on popping out from her mind. “Please, even if you are a ghost, can u continue to sing?” Suzy just continued to sing as he asked to, her eyes kept on him in case he tries to find her. Richard sat there eyes close listening to the angel voice of his dreams. Time passes both of them enjoyed each other company, Suzy smile wider each moment.
“Hey,” Suzy shut her mouth right away. “I know you are not a ghost, I will leave my card here, come and find me,” with just a card he walked out from the door. Suzy waited for his shadow to go and his footsteps no longer could be heard, she jumped on the table looking into the card. [He is a Singer!] Her eyes widen, she was please that someone wanted to hear her sings. She look at herself, fur cover her body, hands that actually paws. [How can I? I am just a cat…] She lay beside the card, looking into it.
“Please,” she pleads, “Please, just one day let me sing in front of him as a human.” She pleads so hard, her tears fall onto the card, and slowly she falls asleep. The morning sun shines into the room the next morning trough the broken window. Suzy yawn, but she felt something different in this morning. Her body was shivering cold, and the table became smaller for her. She looked around, noticing her fur was gone and her body was cover in skin. Her paws are hands and legs, she gasped and real voice came out from her throat.
“Thank you! Oh thank you!” she started to cry. Behind the art room was a box of clothing for the drama club, choosing the clothing of a white nice gown. She dash out from the room into the street, student stare at her as she ran by their classes, whispers went trough the whole school teachers was stun, no one know where she came from. She ran down town as fast she could to the address in the card. People was lining up, it seem there was an audition to find a partner for Richard. She registers her name, waited for her turn. One by one people walked out from the door, either crying or just disappointed.
“I never seen Richard this serious…” one of the girls came out saying. Suzy was so nervous; her stomach felt like there was a knot tying her.
“Next!” the person called. Suzy stood up walking awkwardly into the room. All eyes were on her, at that moment she felt like dashing out from the room. But she kept her feet there in the middle of the room. The judges whispers at her clothing and messy hair, they signal for to start. Suzy took one deep breath holding her head high up, she sang the song of a lullaby her mother used to sing to her. The judges were shock by her voice, Richard at the side there stood up immediately. [That voice! I know she is real!] He clap his hands she sang finish so did the judges. All smiles were on their face, Suzy bowed down thanking them, and she rushes out from the room before they could say anything. Something was changing in her, she pass by the mirror of the hallway, her cat ears was up. [Oh NO!] She screams in her mind. Slowly she turns back into a cat, Richard chase after her, but found her clothing lying at the hallway.
“Suzy, where are you?!” he kept on calling out for her. Suzy hide in the corner, how much she wants to tell him she is there. “Suzy!” he kept on calling. She couldn’t stand it anymore; she took up all her courage and step out from the shadow.
“Meow~” she called to him. He looked at her thinking he must be crazy. Knowing that he wouldn’t believe it, she walked into the dress taking the card out showing him and looking to the door.
“You know where she is?” he asked, disbelieving that a cat can tell him the way. Suzy nodded her head and ran out. He chase after her to the school, “Here…the school…of course!” he walked with her to the room. “Suzy?” he asked. Suzy jumped on the table looking at him right into his eyes. “She is here right?” he asked.
“She is…” Suzy replied in words. “I am Suzy, I know I am a cat and I can’t talk, but this room gave me the power to talk.” Richard eyes show he shock, Suzy knew there was only one way for her to prove, she sang the same lullaby.
“You are Suzy…I know that voice anywhere.” Suzy sat licking herself. Richard just sat there staring at her.
“I am sorry,” she started to walk out, she stop at the door looking back at him. “I am sorry I can’t sing for you anymore. I really enjoyed singing…” she ran away from him, she tries to fight back her tears. Again he chases after her, he wants to keep her, and he wants her to be with him. Suzy kept on running, her tears covers her eyes; she couldn’t see the road properly. A car screeches, and bangs her into midair.
“NO!!” Richard screams. That was the last thing she heard him say, she looked into the sky and smile.
"Thank you, for letting me be a human for a day. Thank you for letting me sing once again." slowly darkness covers her eyes, as screams and shouting echo through the darkness.